Galleri Dragehøj, Fenmark, Holmegård
Art Nordic, Lokomotivværkstedet, Copenhagen
Museum of Contemporary Art, Beijing
Pashmin Art Gallery, Hamburg, Germany
Art Nordic (Artist of the Year)
Tuse Næs Kunsthåndværk
Sund & Bælt Art Association, Korsør
TDC, Copenhagen
Gjørvik Hospital, Norway
Art Association Filidelfia, Dianalund
Galleri Art for Future
OO Kunst, Belgium
Galleri Hamnen, Viken, Sweden
Galleria DIX, Helsinki, Finland
Galleri Staume, Øyfjell, Norway
Art Month, Ameland, Netherlands
Bygdeutstillinga, Aseral, Norway
Galleri Hamnen, Viken, Sweden
Køge Hospital, Køge
Købmandsgården, Skælskør
DS Art Association, Charlottenlund
Slagelse Hospital
National Museum's Art Association, Copenhagen
Det Røde Tårn, Slagelse
Galleri Patricia, Esbjerg
Samain Loose, Eckernförde, Germany
Novemberdrøm, Ameland, Netherlands
Ribe Art Museum, Kældergalleriet, Ribe
Bramming Museum, Bramming
Tinglev Library, Tinglev
Ribe Municipality's Art Association
Hovborg Kro, Hovborg
Esbjerg Højskole, Esbjerg...
Slagelse Hospital, Slagelse
Microbiology Department, Slagelse Hospital, Slagelse
Microbiology Department, Esbjerg Hospital, Esbjerg
Skanderup Folk High School, Lunderskov
Vestsjællands Teater, Slagelse
Vordingborg Church, Vordingborg
Voldhøj Church, Struer
Gierslev Church, Høng
Diakonissestiftelsen, Frederiksberg
Hospicegården Filidelfia, Dianalund
Decoration of the Norwegian Embassy, Copenhagen in collaboration with the Norwegian designer Cecilie Moi Sindum
Decoration of 24 apartments in Valdemarsgade, Copenhage
Over the years, Branka has designed award statuettes for the following occasions:
2000 Car of the Year VW Bobble
2011 Social Responsibility Award, Slagelse
2014 Social Responsibility Award, Slagelse
2016 Social Responsibility Award, Slagelse
2017-2019 Entrepreneur Award, Slagelse Grangia Business
2019 Social Responsibility Award, Slagelse
In 2010, Branka was visited by Her Royal Highness, Queen Margrethe.
Besides the queen herself being creative in the workspace, the Queen received a present created by Branka from the Municipality of Slagelse.